Archive - 11/2015


11/30/15 20:44
Pridnestrovie's Acting Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatyev meets with Adviser of the Head of the Chairmanship of the Republic of Srpska in the Russian Federation Ilya Morozov

11/30/15 17:06
Today Pridnestrovie's Central Election Commission has held a press conference on the results of the single voting day



11/27/15 12:16
This is what President Yevgeny Shevchuk said at a meeting with Dnestrovsk residents


11/26/15 19:22
Pridnestrovie's minister of economic development has cited these data with the reference to experts' estimates

11/26/15 17:51
This was the goal of today's international scientific and practical conference The Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and the Serbian Republic: the protection of sovereignty amid international turbulence