Funds of the General Tiraspol Museum were replenished with the books and magazines issued more than hundred years ago

12/30/14 11:10

Funds of the General Tiraspol Museum were replenished with the books and magazines issued more than hundred years ago

Editions were donated to the museum by the State Customs Committee agents

There are among them three volumes of the Mankind History issued in St. Petersburg, 1904; one book from the encyclopedic set in German of the Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 1909. The eldest of these editions is the Business magazine issued in 1869, the press service of the State Customs Committee reports.

“These ancient books were detected during the customs inspection in several check points. They were confiscated according to the customs legislation violation. An expert examination was also performed. The Pridnestrovie’s State Customs Committee authorities decided to sign away these artifacts to the largest museum in the republic now, so they could take their rightful place,” the lead investigator of the Pridnestrovie’s SCC Directorate for the Customs Violations Anatoly Kireev noted.

According to the General Tiraspol Museum director Alla Melnichuk, the print publications of the First and the Second World War periods almost didn't remain in Pridnestrovie. “The copies given by the SCC representatives will fill the gaps to a certain extent. It’s not the first gift from the customs agents to our museum, so we are sure that it will also serve a good cause,” she emphasized.

Also, the museum fund was provided with the wooden distaff made by the local craftsmen more than one century ago.