Martynov: today we are mourning together with all Russians

12/26/16 12:10

Martynov: today we are mourning together with all Russians

The chair of the government, representatives of the government authorities and civil society have laid flowers to Russia's ambulatory consular office in Tiraspol
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Tiraspol, 26 December. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Pridnestrovians are sharing grief with Russia over the people killed in a plane crash over the Black Sea. Since early morning people have been bringing flowers to Russia's ambulatory consular office in Tiraspol and lighting candles.

As Novosti Pridnestrovya has already reported, President Krasnoselsky has come here today to express his condolences. Flowers have also been laid by the chairman of the government, Alexander Martynov, the acting foreign minister, Vitaly Ignatyev, the head of the Tiraspol administration, Oleg Dovgopol, representatives of the government authorities and public organisations.

As we have informed, last Sunday the TU-154 plane of the Russian defence ministry going to Syria went down off the city of Sochi. The plane was carrying 92 people: servicemen of Russia's armed forces, as well as members of the Alexandrov Ensemble and nine journalists of Russia's First, Zvezda and NTV channels. No one has survived.

«I have taken the tragedy in Russia as personal. Among the killed Russian citizens are famous actors, public figures who did a lot of good to the country, who had never been indifferent to the difficulties and problems of people. They had always been peacekeepers. They had always been on the front line, helping people where they needed it the most. Unfortunately, they were tragically killed. This a huge tragedy for Russia and Pridnestrovie. Today, we are sharing our condolences with all the Russian people.» underscored Alexander Martynov.

The chairman of the government has left the words of condolences in the Book of Remembrance and Grief.

The end of the year turns out very tragic for Russia, the acting foreign minister, Vitaly Martynov, believes. He recalled that last week Russia had mourned the death of the Russian ambassador, Andrey Karlov, killed in Ankara.

«The present tragedy is resonating with pain in the heart of every Pridnestrovian. We knew many members of the Alexandrov Ensemble. They came to Pridnestrovie several times. This is an irreparable loss. The death of Dr Liza, who provided assistance to children during Ukraine's civil war. She was a very bright person. This pain is in the hearts of Pridnestrovians. 26 December is declared the day of national mourning in Pridnestrovie. We are empathising with Russia, hoping that this support and empathy will help our Russian friends," noted Vitaly Ignatyev.


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