Night earthquake left no victims or destructions

12/28/16 09:50

Night earthquake left no victims or destructions

The Civil Defense Headquarters of the Interior Ministry Emergency Management Office reported about this to Novosti Pridnestrovya

Tiraspol, December 28. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. According to the Civil Defense Headquarters of the Interior Ministry Emergency Management Office, the night earthquake left no victims or distructions.

«As for the intensity level, we qualify it as a weak one. According to the European and Romanian seismologists, the earthquake magnitude amounted to 5.2 Richter Scale», — the chief of the Civil Defense Headquarters Vadim Shmalenko told in the interview to Novosti Pridnestrovya.

It is a reminder that, there was an earthquake on Tuesday night in Moldova. Tremors were also felt in Pridnestrovie and were recorded at 1:20 local time.

The last intense earthquake occurred in Moldova on the night of September 25. The magnitude was 5 Richter Scale then. The seismic focus was in the Romanian mountains Vrancha where the magnitude was even more intensive.

After that, the head of the Center of Seismology Ion Iliyesh expressed opinion that the region was in the preparation stage of a new massive earthquake, Sputnik reports. According to him, such earthquakes like this one on the night of September 25 occur once in 5−6 years as a rule, but they have become frequent recently. There have already been three earthquakes in Vrancha for the last three years. As Iliyesh states, according to the analysis of the strongest earthquakes in our region, it happened that before a powerful earthquake there was a number of earthquakes similar to the last one measuring 5−6 Richter Scale.


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