The President discussed with the Co-Chairman of the JCC from Pridnestrovie the current situation in the Security Zone and the state of affairs during the year

12/25/20 11:10

The President discussed with the Co-Chairman of the JCC from Pridnestrovie the current situation in the Security Zone and the state of affairs during the year

Working meeting of the President with the Co-Chairman of the JCC from Pridnestrovie was held at the presidential executive office. Oleg Belyakov summed up the results of the year of activity of the Joint Control Commission, calling 2020 difficult. It was about the features of work in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The speaker informed the President that it was possible to avoid mass infection among the military personnel. Totally 54 Pridnestrovian peacekeepers fell ill with COVID-19 during this time, 38 of them recovered. To date, a focus of infection has been recorded at the Peacekeeping forces headquarters. Carriers of the virus have been identified among Russian representatives; testing is being carried out among the Pridnestrovian segment. In this regard, the next meeting of the JCC did not take place the day before. The rotation of personnel was carried out. In general, the situation is under control, the work is being carried out as usual, Oleg Belyakov reported.

As for the negotiation process: after some downtime, the JCC's activities in this direction were resumed in late spring. The initiator of the May meetings was the Moldovan side. At the same time, it was clearly seen that the Moldovan delegation was tasked with unbalancing the peacekeeping mechanism. This was manifested in the work of the Joint Military Command and observers, as well as in the rotation of the personnel of the military contingents. The regulations for the weekly signing of final documents are violated. Three reports were not signed, eight were not taken into account. That is, during this period the JCC was unable to give an official assessment of the situation in the Security Zone. Responsibility for what is happening, according to Oleg Belyakov - direct participant in all processes in this area, lies exclusively with the Moldovan side. Nevertheless, the speaker emphasized, peacekeeping activities are carried out in the Security Zone as planned, difficulties are being overcome.

The President urged not to succumb to provocations, noting that any attempts to disrupt the work of the JCC and question the significance and effectiveness of the peacekeeping mission will be suppressed by the Pridnestrovian side. The President congratulated Oleg Belyakov personally and in his person all peacekeepers on the upcoming New Year and Christmas holidays.


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